Silver Figure, 2019
Aluminium with waterborne automotive paint
1900 x 500 x 500mm
Price on request.

As a minimalist, Ben Foster is interested in reducing natural forms to their most essential representation. His sculptures walk the line between the depiction of a subject and the abstraction of that subject, where they would become unrecognisable. 

Previously focussing on the depiction of animal forms, Ben Foster’s latest sculptures turn to human studies. Elegantly contrasted with her natural surroundings, Silver Figure has the poise and balance of a dancer, but the bold aluminium planes lend her the strength of an athlete. Despite being featureless (and therefore emotionless) she has a strong presence, imposing authority over the viewer. She appears frozen in time, yet there is a sense of motion delivered through subtle accents of her face, torso and skirt.

As Foster notes: “The figures can be viewed as self-portraits of sorts...presenting an impression of relaxed detachment that may conceal more complex emotions beneath the mask-like surfaces.” This notion has particular resonance in an age where mask-wearing has become a part of daily life.


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